I don’t like to talk about politics. It’s very divisive, and alienating. And the other person never listens. You both end up speaking into your own echo chambers, becoming more and more disgusted by the other person’s lack of clarity in the situation. This is even more difficult and disheartening when you’re speaking to a friend or someone you respect.
But this post isn’t about politics. It’s about inequality. It’s about the failings of the system. The failings of our elected officials. The failings of the individuals… individuals like me.
I’m a pretty easy going guy. I believe that a comprise can always be found. Usually, I can help figure it out. This has served me well in life, and is something I am proud of. It also suits my personality (a big non confrontational wuss). But it’s not always a positive. Sometimes cooler heads don’t prevail. Sometimes a radical approach is needed.
I write this as a straight, white male with no obvious handicaps. As privileged as privileged can be. This is the hand I was dealt. It is very lucky. It’s hard to apologize, or feel guilt for something you have no control over. This was my attitude for a long time. I empathized with others, and I never wished anybody harm. But I don’t think this is the right answer. Now I’m starting to see, that it’s not enough. Nothing is changing. Maybe I AM part of the problem. Maybe because of the accessibility granted by my appearance, I have a responsibility to help others.
Because what if the situation had been different? What if I’d been born a Black man, or a Mexican woman, or any other myriad of possible combinations of marginalized people. Now, through no fault of my own I’d be forced to prove myself. Prove that I’m worthy of the same rights as others. Prove that I’m not a danger to society. Prove that I really was just going for an evening jog. It would be an uphill battle from the day I was born. Just by being my easy-going self, I would be relegating myself into the position of second class citizen.
I firmly believe that most people are good. They all want the same things. A comfortable living, a good education for their kids, to be safe, to be healthy.
I also believe that since most people are good, racism is just a fear of the unknown. And if we all took time to get to know each other (make a few friends outside of our usual circles) there would be a lot more harmony, and we’d all realize how similar we really are. Unfortunately, this rainbows and unicorns type vision changes things at a glacial pace.
I am pro-police. I strongly believe most people enter into Law Enforcement to truly “Protect and Serve”. I have close friends and family that are police, and I know they joined to help people. And I would be greatly relieved to have them come to my assistance in a time of need.
I also believe (having witnessed this first hand in the military) some people are just assholes. Bullies that make themselves feel better by belittling others. These people are also drawn to law enforcement (and the military) but for very different reasons. They want power. They want to be sanctioned to bully, have a license to inflict pain, have the authority to disrespect and humiliate whomever they choose. And so long as they don’t make such a egregious error in judgment (like killing a George Floyd by pressing your knee into his throat – while looking smug with your hands in your pockets) the organization will turn a blind eye to the many red flags that have doubtlessly shown up. AND even if the act is recorded, and blatantly evil, there’s no guarantee that there will be any consequences (Rodney King, anyone?).
And them what happens? Rioting. Well, what did you expect? The system that’s in place to protect the community has broken that trust. Has abandoned it’s sacred duty… Again. And you’re filled with such impotent rage and frustration that you have to lash out. Windows get broken. Buildings burn.
I’m not condoning the burning of buildings. But I’m certainly not surprised. Peaceful protests haven’t worked. Taking a knee during the National Anthem hasn’t changed anything. Waiting for things to change “because they should” just isn’t working fast enough. It fact, it’s barely working at all. So buildings burn. And they call the National Guard.
This may come as a surprise, but I’m not opposed to the National Guard being called in either. As rage takes over and things become more and more volatile, chaos begins to consume everything. Burning Minneapolis (or other cities) to the ground would kill a lot of innocent people and not solve the problem. So the Guard arrives to stop that scenario. But before you accuse me of flip flopping, let’s look at another situation that involved the National Guard. Excuse me, I meant to say that SHOULD have involved the National Guard.
Several weeks ago armed terrorists raided the Michagin Capitol building. Through intimidation and threat of violence they hoped to bully the government into reopening. Despite what you may have read, semiautomatic assault rifles are designed for one thing. Killing people. If individuals show up brandishing those weapons, they intend to do do harm. Even if you don’t believe that, do you really think this terrorist cell just stopped off at the Capitol Building on the way to their monthly skeet shooting tournament?
Where was the National Guard then? Where was SWAT? How come the law didn’t come raining fire and brimstone down on the heads of these idiots? It was certainly justified. My blood was boiling that they didn’t hall all of those entitled assholes off to jail immediately. In the Army we take an oath “guard against all enemies, both foreign and domestic”. I can’t think of a better example of a domestic enemy.
But they got nothing. The system failed again. Even worse, they were praised by the President!? Praised for endangering American citizens, for threatening and intimidating elected officials.
“But they didn’t hurt anyone…” Bullshit. That is an unacceptable argument. If I walk into a bank with a M16 and walk out with lots of money that isn’t mine, I go to jail. If I hurt somebody while I’m in there, I go to jail for longer. The threat of violence is enough. Intimidation through deadly force is a crime.
The mind boggling disparity between these events can only be summed up with two words. White privilege.
So instead of just being silently disgusted and turning my head, I’m taking a stand. I’m going to change the one and only thing I can control, myself. I’m drawing a line in the sand and saying “Enough.” I’m tried of waiting for things to change. I no longer believe that cooler heads will prevail, or that justice will win out simply because it should.
This is my acknowledgement that I am part of the problem. That my complicity in the situation (regardless of intention) has allowed it to continue. That in my constant striving for compromise, I have failed my fellow Americans. My easy going approach has failed my fellow humans. This is my declaration that I refuse to be part of the problem any longer.
I will do more. I will Speak up. I will Speak out.
I will do more.